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The Results Section.
Revise & Resubmit has helped scholars publish books, articles, and dissertations/theses since June 2021. I've worked with more than 110 scholars from 28 countries. They have published articles in 60+ journals. My authors' top journals are:
Urban Studies
J Environmental Studies & Sciences
Global Networks
Environmental Science & Policy
Energy Research & Social Science.
I also edited entire special collections for the British Academy, Routledge, and Qualitative Research. Finally, I've helped improve 6 scholarly books and 17 PhD dissertations in geography, economics, tourism management, politics, and even geology.
The lists below document where my authors have successfully published. For detailed, qualitative feedback, please see the Testimonials page.
Books & Chapters
Book Projects
Published: Edward Elgar (2022) [line-by-line editing; advanced referencing]
Forthcoming: Wiley [line-by-line editing]
Forthcoming: Common Notions [line-by-line editing; development; proofreading]
Forthcoming: Common Notions [line-by-line editing]
Contracted: ILR Press (Cornell imprint) [line-by-line editing; development]
Submitted: Leuven University Press [line-by-line editing]

Chapters in Edited Volumes
Routledge Handbook of Tea Tourism (Routledge, 2022)
Contemporary Research Methods in Hospitality and Tourism (Elgar, 2022)
Crisis Management, Destination Recovery and Sustainability (Routledge, 2022)
Journal Articles
R&R's authors have published articles in the following journals:
Africa Today
Annals of Tourism Research
Big Data & Society
Biological Conservation
Body & Society
CoÄŸrafya Dergisi – Journal of Geography
Conservation & Society
Critical Asian Studies
Cultural Anthropology (Fieldnotes)
Dialogues in Human Geography
Energy Research & Social Science
Environment & Planning A
Environment & Planning C
Environmental Science & Policy
Gender Work and Organization
Geografiska Annaler: Series B
Geographica Helvetica
Geography Compass
Global Networks
Habitat International
Intl Journal of Housing Policy
Intl Journal of Urban and Regional Research
Intl Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology

Journal of Cultural Geography
Journal of Environment and Development
Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences
Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education
Journal of Mountain Science
Journal of Political Ecology
Journal of Rural Studies
Journal of Urban Affairs
Political Geography
Progress in Human Geography
Radical Housing Journal
Regional Studies
Review of International Political Economy
Security Dialogue
Social & Cultural Geography
Sociological Review
The Geographical Journal
Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie
Transactions of the IBG
Urban Planning
Urban Studies
Urban Transcripts
World Leisure Journal
Trusted around the world
Revise & Resubmit has worked with scholars from more than 70 global institutions (see below). Bold listings denote existing institutional payment arrangements.

Australia National University
University of Melbourne
Sun Yet-Sen University
Hong Kong
Hong Kong Baptist University
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha
University of Indonesia
KIMEP University
Sri Lanka
Sabaragamuwa University
Uva Wellassa University
National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism
Thammasat University
University of Buea
University of Yaounde
Bahir Dar University
South Africa
University of Western Cape
Carleton University
University of British Columbia
University of Manitoba
University of Toronto
University of Windsor
Queen's University
York University
United States
Colorado State University
Cornell University
George Mason University
Montana State University
The New School
New York University
Princeton University
Syracuse University
Temple University
University of Colorado Boulder
University of Hawaii at Manoa
University of Maryland Baltimore
National Agricultural Research Institute
Ghent University
KU Leuven
Czech University of Life Sciences
RWTH Aachen University
University of Eastern Finland
University of Helsinki
University of Oulu
Bayreuth University
Humboldt University of Berlin
Rachel Carson Center, Munich
University of Cologne
University of Freiburg
University of Kassel
Technical University of Berlin
University College Dublin
Università Iuav di Venezia
University of Milan
The Netherlands
IHE Delft
Leiden University
University of Amsterdam
Wageningen University and Research
University of Oslo
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Ankara University
Mugla Sıtkı Kocman
Van Yüzüncü Yıl University
United Kingdom
Cardiff Metropolitan University
De Montford University
Durham University
Liverpool John Moores University
Middlesex University London
University of Cambrdige
University College London
University of Bristol
University of Derby
University of London
University of Manchester
University of Oxford
University of Reading
Northumbria University
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